Firefox Live Bookmarks
Live bookmark? Does that mean I have to feed them?
Firefox live bookmarks are great, and don't worry you won't have to feed them. They are basically bookmarks that link onto an RSS feed, and allows you to get access too all the
titles and links in an RSS feed. When using an RSS feed in a live bookmark, you get a list of items found in your My eBay. If you use the Status RSS feed, you can also see the current price.
If you don't already have firefox, you will need to download it.
After you have installed it, and have it running. Go over to and login. You should see something like this:

If you look across the top of the screenshot, there is something labeled "Watching Status" under it is what is shown when it is clicked. Handy Right?
Wow, live bookmark are great. Are you going to show me how it's done?
Of course I'll show you how it's done. Notice that at the right end of the address bar, there is a little orange icon. Click on it and you should see a list of feeds, both status and item. If you want more details about status and item RSS feeds, visit the
RSS page.
Basically if you want real time information about the auctions use the status feed, if you want static information (just the title with a link), then use the item RSS feed.
After you choose your feed, it will bring up a window where you can title this feed. Remember that the default is the title of the webpage, which isn't really a good description of what you have choosen. I would suggest something like "Stuff my Significant other would kill me if I bid on", "Stuff I'm trying to buy", and "Stuff I'm trying to get rid of" but it's up to you.
Now you have a handy dandy live bookmark that will be in sync with your My eBay page. The feed however is saved and only checked periodically so sometimes may need to be manually told to update if you just added an item, or want the latest status. When you want the feed to be updated right away, you can always right click the bookmark and choose "Reload Live Bookmark". And there it is, quick and easy links to your My eBay items! Now hurry and tell all your friends so you can get credit for this amazing discovery!